Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hartford Gun Rights Rally at The Capital

I rolled off the sheets at 4:30 AM Saturday Morning, loaded up the wood stoves, cleaned up and headed out to go down to Hartford CT. 

I was going down for the protest against the gun grabbers who are attempting to disarm the populous in CT, not just there but across the nation, so they can herd us all into our analogical “gulags”.

As soon as I opened the door to go out it was freezing rain and 30° so I’m thinking uh oh, maybe I’m not going anywhere.
 I had about an 1/8” of ice all over the van, so I scraped everything down, after locating an ice scrapper <sigh>.
Luckily I had stopped a couple of weeks ago at AutoZone in Berlin and had new winter blades put on.
As soon as I started down the road I got about halfway down to Willeys Store in Greensboro and the driver’s side wiper blade came flying off.

So I stopped, walked back and found the blade, and put it back on and headed out again, I got down almost to the intersection of Rt. 16 and Rt. 15 and off it came again.
So I stopped and found it the 2nd time, and looked it over to see why it would not stay on, and a piece of the plastic that held the blade on was missing/broken.

I tried to rig it up as best I could but I could see it wasn't going to stay, way too loose of a fit, I couldn't find anything in the van among all the junk in there that I could rig it up with.

So not being easily deterred I just lifted the driver’s side arm up, minus the blade, then turned the wiper on intermittent and continued on down to Marty’s in Danville, so when I got there I pulled in to gas up, and hopefully fix my blade.

The Hardware section was just barely opening so I went in and bought a small pack of snap ties, I have a bunch of those things at home, so as a reminder to myself I said self!,  stick a handful in the glove box when you get back home, because ya never know.

Anyway after using a little redneck ingenuity I got it attached enough to make it work, of course after I got to St Jay the rain was almost over, so with only some over spray from cars it was not bad, and I boogied on down to Hartford with no other issues.

As I am getting into downtown Hartford I am noticing not much going on at all in the traffic dept, so I’m hoping this is not going to be a flop I would be very disappointed if it was.

I went past a couple of big parking lots and no one around but when I get about 2 blocks away I saw about a dz car’s in one, and then I noticed a guy with an “Oath Keepers” shirt on so I pulled in there, and started talking to those guys.

They were mostly from NH and said they were waiting on a couple of bus loads of people to show up so I waited there with them.

After a few more minutes it was almost like someone opened a door and said ok guys, it’s time, and people started literally rolling in.

Since I was the only person, at least the only one that I knew of, from VT, I decided to wait and walk/march over to the capital building with them.

I ran into an fellow OathKeeper that I knew from the website but had never met, so I had an instant friend there.By now the other bus was there and we had a crowd so they formed us into a "Platoon" and walked over with a "Live Free or Die" cadence.

Starting our walk over there.

By the time we arrived the crowd had thickened up considerably.

It’s a crying shame that, as far as I know anyway, there were more guys from Virginia, than from Vermont. I started talking to a guy with a VA. Gun club shirt on and he said 8 of them drove up, I call that top notch Patriots

There were all sorts of good signs to read and enjoy

There were about 3,000 people there from all over, some from Philly (even a couple of Eagle Fans) like me, Albany NY, New Jersey, VA, MD, and of course there were many others from all over the New England States.

Many great speakers were there as well.

Although I didn't do any videoing today but I wish I had recorded this mans speech, he was a Sandy Hook Resident and he made some very strong points about gun free zones and school, raucous applause when he finished.

More good signs 


The best sign there (clearing my throat) was with this guy..:-)

Very nice crowd there were consistently 3,000 people they estimated, but the sidewalks had people coming and going out the whole time too, so totals could have been higher than that even.

 Very Large contingency there from the Oath Keepers.

I could see maybe a couple dozen or so police offices there, and they were all very friendly with no interference what so ever.

There was also over a thousand folks (just a guess but a LOT) there with shouldered rifles and open carry handguns, so I felt real good about not being being mugged..:-)
So I hung around this guy since all I had with me was my  pocket knife..

I was surrounded all afternoon by a nice orderly crowd of patriots which made me proud to be a part of the event.

There was also a prankster in an Obama Masquerade there doing the fake sign language for the deaf, mimicking the one that took place in South Africa when Obama was there.

What with all the great speakers and supporters of our Constitution there it seemed pretty ironic that the Constitution State was doing everything it could to abolish it.
I felt obligated to do my part since those who had gone before me had given so much, many gave everything, so the least I could do for my posterity was at to make a little effort and give up one day out of love and respect for their sacrifice’s.
It was a long day but very much worth it.

Maybe during their next election down there they can clean house and give them a lesson in how a Republic is supposed to function as opposed to the Tyrannical Agenda they have on their minds.

OK I guess that's it for this event.

Stay tuned because there are some even bigger events coming up next month which could  open the eyes of those folks inside the beltway and maybe then they will see we will no longer tolerate the direction we are headed.
For God and Our Republic, Jim
