Sunday, June 15, 2014

Flag Day 2nd Amendment Rally

As the threat of government gun confiscation grows with every passing day, gun owners all across the country are banding together to defend our constitutional, God given right to keep and bear arms, defend ourselves, our family and protect America from enemies foreign and domestic.

Such an event was held yesterday June 14th in Belchertown

I had to leave before it was over to get back home since it was over 200 miles down there one way, however I watched and listened intently to everyone through lunch and beyond to some great Patriots speak, some of these I had seen before, some not, but all that I saw did a wonderful job.

I did a small .pps file I uploaded to Youtube which I have loaded on here, it was a hurry up affair but you can get the idea of the day, a day I was so proud to be a part of.

Tara Kozub was also there- Tara knocked it out of the park when she spoke at the "Lexington on the Green" in Springfield Second Amendment Rally last year.

As a home school mom of seven, she absolutely will not be prevented from protecting her family.

She is a very petite lady, but I warn you, she can hang with any "Mama Grizzly" out there, a great motivational speaker and her children, and us, are very fortunate to have her.
I didn't get a chance to hear her today but I really wish I could have.

A picture of me, Tara and her "cubs"from Springfield.

Larry Pratt - Mr. Pratt has been Executive Director of 
Gun Owners of America for over 30 years. GOA is a national membership organization of 300,000 Americans dedicated to promoting our Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms, as well as all our founding documents, if you are not a member, you should be.

Interview of Larry Pratt by Hal Shurtlef

Other great speakers were there to reinforce and share thoughts.

Dave Kopacz - Who was an organizer of the event today.

Dave is the President of the Massachusetts Republican Assembly, independent media junkie and all around political rabble rouser.
If Dave's speech is anything like the one's I've seen before it will be outstanding.

Jim Wallace - Mr. Wallace is the Executive Director AND Legislative Director for the Gun Owner Action League (GOAL). Jim is the "go-to guy" regarding gun regulations in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Mike Vanderboegh - Mike is the founder of the "Three Percenters" (III%'ers), a blogger for the "Sipsy Street Irregulars" and broke the "Fast and Furious Scandal" that rocked the Obama regime and gained national attention.

Hal Shurtleff - Hal is the Northeast Regional Director for the John Birch Society and will spoke about the dangers of a Article V Constitutional Convention. 
History tells us that there's no precedent to limit what they could do to our Constitution. 

Rich Dupre - Rich is the owner of Red Zone Tactical and was one of the organizers for the large 2A rally in North Brookfield last year. Rich is all fired up and wants to know what we can do to help our brothers and sisters in CT. 

Richard Howell - Rich is a long time activist in the western Massachusetts area and participates in historical reenactments. He's also the organizer of the Pioneer Valley Tea party. He'll be giving a speech on the history and origin of Flag Day and exactly why our Second Amendment is so important to protect.

Oath Keepers - It really wouldn't be a Second Amendment rally without the Oath Keepers present and accounted for. MA, RI, VT and CT  were in attendance.

Christopher Pinto - Chris is one of the founding members of the Second Amendment Defense Alliance of Massachusetts (SADA Massachusetts) and is also the host of his own CATV show in Worcester called "Activate Worcester" which continues to grow. 

Josh Noone and the Federal Crime - 
Josh is a native of Palmer and performed live during lunch.

Josh as always did a superlative job and it's the second time I have seen him as well.

Till next time, for God and Our Republic, Jim