Monday, June 18, 2018

What a great day it was, lots of supporters of our Constitution and Our Republic with several great speakers who know the true thoughts of our founders and what their dream for America was, along with that the attendants who are willing to do whatever it takes to honor the Oaths that they, and many others, swore to uphold in order to defend our Country and the Constitution, and it was an honor to be there.
So many great speakers.!!

First though I want to say thanks Dave Kopacz of "Red Pill Politic's for all the work and effort for putting all this together not to mention all the other things he does to help ward off those who want to destroy the very foundation this country was built on, Dave & Cynthia, Stay Strong & Keep Fighting !!

He even arranged to have lots of good security folks there also, which made us all feel safe from anyone who might want to do us harm.

The 1st speaker was Larry Pratt Director Emeritus of Gun Owners of America which has @ 2 million 2nd Amendment loving Americans (You need to join if not already) and he gave a very impressive and informative speech.
His most recent book
"Essays in the defense of Liberty" is a great book.

Following Mr Pratt was Sheriff Richard Mack Founder of CSPOA
Sheriff Mack has spent the better part of his life fighting for our Constitutional Rights and against unconstitutional things like the Brady Bill which he, along with others, fought all the way to the Supreme Court and basing his case on the 10th Amendment he won with a monumental decision..
Reinforcing the fact that your local county sheriff who is elected by the people, not appointed, is the most powerful law enforcement officer in your "Hood".
Thank You Sheriff Mack !!
In case you do not notice he is big man inside and out..:-)

He was followed by Dan Wos  and due to an error on my part I did not get his picture but he made a great speech and is Nationally recognized as a strong advocate of our 2nd Amendment. He explained in detail the push that is going on for taking our second Amendment rights away, and has recently written a book called "Good Guy Bad Guy 2" exposing all the corruption in our government in order to further their agenda, which actually empowers the criminal element while taking our rights away .
If you haven't read it please pick up a copy. and watch the video..

I left for a few minutes and came back in time to see Susan DeLemus
She is a 2 time State Representative of the Stratford region of  New Hampshire.
She is married to Jerry DeLmus who is a Political Prisoner in NH.
He is a retired Marine and leader of the Largest Tea Party Group in New Hampshire.
When Cliven Bundy put out a plea for help in his defense from the BLM Agents Jerry answered the call on the double, during the corrupted trial of the Bundy prosecution he ended up getting an 87 month prison term for upholding his oath in the defense of the Constitution.
She lives and breathes every part of the Constitution which limits government interference and gave a great speech defending her and her husbands right to do so. God Bless them both for their Patriotism.

Also there were other great guest's as well like Kirk Whatley who owns
Whately Training LLC teaching firearm safety while strongly defending our rights especially he 2nd Amendment which protects all the rest.

Hal Shurtleff was also a guest and he was born and raised in Boston MA. he is an Army Veteran, a member of the sons of the Revolution, Co Founder and full time director of Camp Constitution a week long family camp and a radio show host.

Tom Moor was also there he is a New England Historian and 20 year veteran of the Liberty Movement and also instructor at Camp Constitution, one of the Co-Host of the Midnight Ride Podcast
Always passes out a lot of great info about our constitution, historical facts about our  flags etc very interesting to listen speak.
And of course how could the day be complete without this family who fought, and still fight nonstop even with their last breath if need be for our freedoms.
Ammon and Ryan Bundy were originally scheduled to speak but the Government squashed their rights again by labeling them "Domestic Terrorists" and were added to the NO FLY list and could not make it.

So Mr and Mrs Bundy came instead and both gave a strong accounting of what the the Thugs from the Bureau of Land Management did to their family ranch.
They are a strong God fearing family, they have 14 children and almost 70 grandkids and have a firm and steadfast belief in our God Given rights of life liberty and property rights.
They fought for their rights and he was unjustly imprisoned for doing so, but he never gave up and eventually was awarded a mistrial and released with prejudice, so he cannot be tried again for their made up offense.
He and his wife both made great speeches. 

All in all it was a great event interesting from beginning to end and you leave with a lot of confidence that for all deep rooted Americans, Patriotism is alive and well.

Great Crowd there and great guests booths all around as well

One of my Favorites was the Trump 2020 Booth.

And the popular Genetically Deplorable Tee Shirt co. :-)

So for all of you that could not make it this year be sure and saddle it up next year
Our Rights are being nibbled away and we need to huddle up and call a play.

Till Next Time
God Bless America
Ovr'n & out