Saturday, January 24, 2015


I'm feeling very Frustrated today 

I have been at this quite a while now  and I could see what was happening in the early 60’s when I came home from the Navy, and got involved on a local level living in MD, and after a IRS raid of one of our meetings (Tax Revolt group) I could see that our Rights then could be declared null and void with no problem whatsoever and no recourse.

That worried me badly at that time, and so I backed off for a bit until I felt the anger bubbling again and could see where we were headed when (I'm using a popular term of late) we elected a "deflated" ball sack President Carter.

I then moved me, wife and 3 sons to VT to sort of get on a different level playing field, built us a log cabin out in the country and figured I was all set,
At the time I moved up here VT was a stronghold of Conservative, Constitution Loving Patriots, as early American history has clearly shown.
After I moved here though I could see right away that things were turning away from that thinking for the most part, and turning away quickly and they have not stopped.

We have a town here named Moscow and that is no longer just a joke, between our Socialist Gov Shumlin, Senators, Leahy and admitted Socialist Bernie Sanders, adding in  Congessman Peter (I’m not sure he has one) Welch, it’s obvious what we have become.

They are slowly but surely nibbling away at the US and State Constitution’s, targeting the 2nd Amendment first, which secures the others, and except for a handful of Patriots it's being done almost completely unopposed.

We have s segment of the State that has been labeled as “Woodchucks” a Vermont term that would translate to Hillbilly in Alabama, they are sitting idly by as well, only because the State has not crossed the political Rubicon of taking away their hunting and gun right’s but are making a steady nibbling effort to do so.
When and if that happens it will make the Green Mountain boys seem like Cub Scouts, no offense to the Cub Scouts intended.
In my opinion the Nation as a whole has given up, or just doesn't care, or most likely believe we are down the correct path, and feel perfectly satisfied in the direction we are headed.

I go to every rally, or any event that I can to try and stop the abolishment of the Constitution (which is actually almost gone now if they so declare it so, or just violate with impunity ) I have offered to drive my Van to the event and offered free rides paying all expenses involved if they choose.

I send out an e-mail to everyone that I know along my route and try to get a few other guys to go with me, rarely do I ever get anyone and I mean “one” person to go, once in a while but RARELY..
It’s always the same thing, sorry kids Soccer Game tonight, Miley Cyrus twerking on TV later, you name it, I've  heard the excuse.

I do not know the answer to fix it and no one really cares UNTIL THE KNOCK COMES ON YOUR DOOR, then it’s a big OMG what was I thinking? and of course then it’s too late.
Most people that do care are spending their time preparing for when the SHTF, I am of the feeling that I want to turn things around before the collapse, not just prepare for it. 
Everywhere that has happens there was untold thousands and sometime millions killed followed by a loooooong recovery period, if it ever does fully recover.

I am one of the founding members of the “Oathkeepers” and belong to a few other groups as well, III%’ers, Sons of Liberty, Militia,  but I get tired talking, since it has become a burdensome chore.
I have tried about everything I can locally and I don’t have the means to get involved Nationally I wish I could.

I think we could easily do it even if just the III% ers of old got together, I get sick of hearing about what have you done to prepare?, what I want to hear is what have you done to honor your Oath?
Because the Domestic enemy list has become longer and more dangerous than the foreign ones.
They need to stop breaking the law and allowing the Tyrannical Regime now in charge to have free rein or should I say "Reign" over our supposedly unalienable Rights.

I’m old and running out of time but I would still shoulder my gun and fight as long as I possibly can or until I don’t have a pulse.

We need as a nation to get together and set a date and a departure time to head to DC,  if we got the  III% which would be about 3.5 million, and all left home at a precise time the national highway system would get plugged soon and the pecker heads inside the beltway would get the picture pretty quick as well.
Follow the law! become the domestic servants you were elected to be! and fight!, I don't mean having a brawl in the halls of  Congress but use the methods available to stop this abuse of our rights as intended by our founders.
It could get really ugly but if so the country would hopefully see what’s happening and the III% would grow substantially.

However I have an idea that I stand a better chance of getting pregnant than that happening and I’m a 73 yr old male.

So I guess thats it for today Ovr'n and Out.

Standing as Always For God and Our Blessed Republic, Vteagle