Thursday, February 12, 2015

Vermonters Against S-31 Back Ground Checks

We knew this day was coming. After dumping millions of dollars into the ballot initiative in Washington State, national anti-gun interests have now set their sights on Vermont. 
Leading up to the 2014 elections, Gun Sense Vermont wrote checks to dozens of lawmakers’ campaigns. In fact, many of these incumbents didn't even solicit the campaign contributions and refused to cash them.
This anti-gun group has also been sending postcards to lawmakers for months urging them to adopt so-called “universal” background checks. Official state disclosure forms show that the group ranked in the top five for the amount of money they spent on lobbyists last year. This group and its wealthy benefactor will spare no expense to strip you of your constitutional rights!

Now is the time for NRA, GOA, etc  members and Vermont gun owners to make a stand.
It’s imperative that gun owners make their voices heard loud and clear.
Senate Bill 31 was introduced by Senate President Pro Tem John Campbell (D-Windsor) and his leadership team.
|S.31 seeks to impose restrictions on the private transfer of firearms and will do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. However, it will create undue burdens for law-abiding Vermonters. 

Please contact your Senator today, and respectfully ask him or her to oppose Senate Bill 31. Remind him or her that Vermont was recently named one of the safest states in the country. This legislation is nothing more than a solution in search of a problem. 

To leave a message for your state Senator, please contact the Statehouse Sergeant of Arms at (802) 828-2228.

They  had a hearing  to  voice opinions on the Bill at the Capital Building Feb 19th from 5:00 to 8:00

We got to the State House just before 5:00 had no trouble finding a place to park,
I had hopes we would have..
as in if every Constitution loving Vermonter in the State showed up.

As it turned out we did have a very respectable showing.
Sign out front as arrived at the front steps.

Arrived inside and as we entered someone mentioned there were seats right in the main room if we wanted,so we headed right upstairs and we got good seat’s right up front looking back at the faces in the audience.

My Grandson Riley came with me too, I think he “may” have been the youngest 2nd Amendment supporter I saw there but there were many more that did not make it into the chambers and had to watch from the overflow area, so I cannot be sure.

I am so happy he was able to come with me to start him off walking on the Path of Freedom, Supporting the Rights Given to us by God and not by man.

By the time we were getting ready to leave he could tell, without any input from me, the difference between the words spoken by supporters for and against.
I was supposed to meet a few other “Oath Keepers” there and I’m sure they were there
but it was just hard to make a connection with everyone milling around.

There were some “Gun Sense Vt’ers” there as well, but to me they made absolutely “No Sense”I think they had all been impregnated by the the little red  “Bloomberg Pill”
Right side of the chamber looking out at the "Brown", oops I mean "Green Shirts" in the crowd regardless of the color they are on the wrong side of the argument.

My Youngest Son Pete was there too, but we came separately and we never saw him until we were on our way out.
Left side of the Chamber

There were some great speakers there and even though vocal responses were not allowed by the audience there were still some spontaneous cheers, and jeers made during the gathering.

I’m sure there will be more similar events, and we must continue to fight to not allow any attack on
our Constitution to even get off the ground.

The Fight is not over and will not be until we have turned this back and rely on the State and Federal
Constitution that has brought us this far without issue, so why create one

History (Ancient and Modern) shows us the results when that happens.

Join The Fight For Liberty, or watch it fade into the sunset..
You Can never regain yesterday’s sunrise, once it’s gone it’s gone
and the dawn of a new day may not be what you thought it would be.