Friday, January 8, 2016

"Nihilism" and America's Future

I went to a Trump Rally in Burlington last night, 1/7/16, I had never actually gone to any Politicians Rally in my life, so I was curious about how he would be received, although I was fairly sure I knew already but wanted to show support and see it 1st hand.

After going I was actually extremely disheartened and scared, not for my personal safety, but for the country, but not from him, instead it was from the protesters there.
I would never go to any political rally myself to try and disrupt my opponents execution of their free speech, but that was certainly not the case there last night.

To me, the best thing would be for no one to even show up, but that wasn't the case last night either.
I was shocked by the hypocrisy of the opposition as well, which was mostly Sanders supporters, and we were surrounded by them. I was almost laughing when I spoke to a couple of young people behind me with signs saying
Dump Trump “Stop the Hate”

I asked what they did not like about his agenda they said they “Hated” his attitude towards the Syrian immigrant population.
(They were so young and clueless I just smiled and said well ok then).
One young girl behind us was smoking a hand rolled cigarette one after the other, I was pretty sure it was tobacco, but could not swear to it, blowing smoke all over everyone there and she said Trump “scared” her.
 I said to her "Trump Scares you"? " but you don’t actually know him, yet you are chain smoking tobacco and that doesn't ?, wow!"

At the end of the block we were standing in the middle of the road and a car wants to get through, we made an opening to let them go by, that same Group behind us just yells out “TURN AROUND” and go back.

There were other people there also rallying for their particular candidate, but they were very civil and obedient only trying to gather support for their candidate but not yelling at, or running down, others these two guy were prime examples.

I won’t go on about the rowdy protesters there but they had no idea whatsoever about our Constitution other than their personal impression of it, and of course it only applies to them.

Ironically I’m reading e-mails someone sent me this morning and read about 
Nihilism, so I almost felt like yelling out Bingo !!.

1. The rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
synonyms: skepticism, negativity, cynicism, pessimism; More
a. extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence.
b. historical,
the doctrine of an extreme Russian revolutionary party circa 1900, which found nothing to approve of in the established social order.

A person practicing "nihilism" believes in nothing but his or her personal desires.
No loyalties, and no purpose, nothing else exists outside their own gratification.

The Bernie supporters behind us were prime examples as we listened to them talk  non-stop for 2 hr's, And kept asking us and others as a whole so
"so you guys are actually Trump supporters ? REALLY "?
"Thats F'n unbelievable", and so were they..

America is filled with nihilists.
And then I read about this Philosophy which nails my personal feelings to a tee. 
For the past 65 years or so there has been a consistent anti-Christian, anti-God rhetoric from the left. 
As a result, there is no right or wrong, only what is right for "me" applies, the golden rule no longer counts and the American family is disintegrating.

All branches of our government are self-serving and self-perpetuating. The main goal of the “political class” is to stay in office and get more power any way possible. This includes mass manipulation of the public through deceit, trapping people in welfare, growing the government, and encouraging illegal immigration. 

It also includes setting groups of Americans against each other such as
white vs. black, rich vs. poor, women vs. men, black vs. police, etc.
 Politicians reap the benefits of their status regardless of their obligations to the public they are supposed too, but rarely, serve. 

Republican or Democrat it makes little or no difference anymore.
Education is now an extension of the federal government as  
it and the unions now control the schools.

The teacher union bosses have the same goal as the government,
namely to stay in power and increase their wealth. 

The future effect this has on our children is of little concern to them
since they are achieving "their" goals.

I obviously don't know them all, but of those I am aware of many, and probably most of the educators are heavily biased toward atheistic socialism.

They are teaching our children to be the same way. 
This is especially true and more prevalent as well, in higher education institutions.

I have heard and seen it 1st hand here in VT. No God in school, oh no! heaven forbid that, but just recently teachers making comments to one of my Grandkids because he said I was going to a Trump Rally and then they say how bad he is and then expounds the virtues of the Local candidate and also the sitting president.
Some have political stickers on the windows and pamphlets exposed on their desks etc

The press (with some very few exceptions) is heavily biased toward the left. Reporting is often heavily skewed in that direction. 
Good news for the left is over reported, sensationalized, and enhanced, where bad news for the left is underreported, minimized or not reported at all.

The nihilistic condition of many Americans is no accident.
It has been a carefully planned since Woodrow Wilson was president and is perpetuated to this day.
If you want to see their play book, read Saul Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals.”
As for the right, an old quote comes to mind from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
" If only we had stood up, we may have avoided all this but we did nothing,,, and lost our liberty and freedom"
We are quickly on the way down to that same level of self destruction.
Our population has become Constitutionally illiterate. Our borders are wide open.
The federal government no longer follows or cares about the Constitution either.
We have lost all credibility and respect throughout the world.
Many of our jobs are going, or have already gone overseas, or across the border. 
Taxation, wage and benefit regulations demanded by Unions and Mandated by GOV. has driven many companies out of the country, which I'm afraid is only the tip of the iceberg. Many of the jobs we have will go unfilled since too few are qualified or even willing to fill them. Who needs to work when Uncle Sam will take care of me.
The public has been dumbed down and is ripe and eager for socialism.
If this trend continues America will become a godless, socialist country. 
I feel sorry for my children and grandchildren, since 
they are about to inherit a very different and diminished America than I did.

Sadly we have become totally ignorant of, and fail to learn from, World History, by failing to emphasize the importance of incentives.
Socialism is a theory inconsistent with human nature and is therefore doomed to fail.
We need to unleash, from the grasps of Government, the free market system which when left alone has never failed.
Obviously everyone will not succeed in a free market system but unfortunately for some thats the price you pay for Liberty and Freedom, but without which no one succeeds but Government, all of course depends on your personal definition of success.

There is no such thing as a free lunch somebody pays whether voluntarily or otherwise.
We need to turn this around soon or our debt along with our apathetic thinking will send us in the same direction of so many nations before us.
A direction our forefathers warned us about, and gave us the means to avoid,

but we are not paying attention.
They pledged, and then followed through with, their lives, their fortune, and their sacred honor, let's not allow their sacrifice be in vane.

We can do this.

May God Bless Our Sacred Republic

Over N Out